11 Steps to Equip Your Short-Term Team to Use Their Mobile Phones
(Free download. Read on if you want to go into more depth.)
The Mobile Ministry Forum hosted a 50 minute webinar on April 20, 2016. The focus was on why the mobile phone is one of the most useful ministry tools your team members possess. Additionally, key ideas on how to prepare your team along with practical resources are provided. Brandon Honsalek and Brian James presented. 52 people participated in the live webinar. Scroll down for the key ideas, recorded webinar, slides and notes from the live chat.
Advantages of Using Your Mobile Phone in Short-Term Ministry
- Highly contextual
- Always with us
- Highly versatile
- Speaks all the languages we don’t
- Allow you to leave something of value behind
Identify Goals
- Distribute Gospel Media
- Show JESUS Film clips
- Show video testimonies
- Record video testimonies
Core Media
- Audio Bible
- Text Bible
- JESUS Film Media App
- Global Recordings Network Good News
Additional Media
Visual Story Network wiki page
Audio sermons / messages
Praise / Worship Music
Tutorials on how to download media to your phone
Mobile Ministry Made Easy (an overview of how to think about using mobiles in ministry)
Your Phone – God’s Glory (a narrative guide on how to get ready for a short-term trip)
Twitter: #mobmin
Scripture App Builder (helps you to build customized Scripture apps for Android smartphones and tablets)
Mobile Ministry Online Course (a tool to help you determine the most popular phones, operating systems, social media platforms and Internet sites in your country).
Mobile Assessment for Your Country
Brian: GreatCommWorkers@gmail.com
Brandon: Brandon@renewoutreach.com
Recorded Webinar
Brian’s Slides
Short-Term Teams – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;
Brandon’s Slides
Prep Your Team for Mobile Ministry Success – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;
Comments from the live chat
Regarding point #4, if your team is going to Mexico GRN has audio resources available in 300 of Mexico’s native languages. Audio Scripture resources can be found in over 100 languages on www.scriptureearth.org. Because of extensive migration you can find speakers of native Mexican languages in nearly any part of Mexico. – Allen Lee
All the Jesus film dubbings can also be accessed on the YouTube channel eyong52. – AL
5fish.mobi for audio stories in thousands of languages – B. James
One of the upcoming JESUS film options will also be audio versions that are derived from an edit of the JESUS Film. These may be available by mid-summer 2016. Value of audio: Pastors in the field say that giving away audio files allows users in the field to play the scripture over and over while they go about their daily business. Give away via wifi or bluetooth is much easier and with visual concepts already communicated by watching a video, allow folks to memorize and apply the scripture to their daily lives. Right now over 400 audio versions are available, more to come. – Tom Dennen
Hundreds of language-specific Android apps have been made with Scripture App Builder – more than 90 languages just for Mexico. These integrate text and audio, with the Scripture text being highlighted phrase by phrase as the audio plays. They are being uploaded to Google Play but can also be shared offline (e.g., Bluetooth, Xender, microSD cards, BibleBox). – AL
Try out Viewthestor.com video presentation of the gospel in a new format. – Mark Hill