Making the Most of Every Opportunity

A member of the Mobile Ministry forum shared this story of simple obedience…

After reading the Your Phone – God’s Glory mobile-ministry guide, I looked for opportunities to share the Jesus Film in my small South Carolina suburb.  While waiting for take-out at a Chinese restaurant, I was checking Facebook and email on my phone to pass the time when the Holy Spirit brought to mind the Jesus Film app and what I had recently learned in the mobile-ministry guide.

I opened the app and downloaded the Jesus Film and some other short films in Mandarin, praying for God to give me an opportunity to share some of the films with the Chinese woman working at the restaurant.  When my order was ready, there were other people in line waiting, so I decided to eat my take-out in the restaurant and wait for God to provide the opportunity for which I was praying.

When I had nearly finished my meal, I noticed I was the only patron in the restaurant.  This provided me time to engage in relational conversation with the woman, asking questions about her family and the language(s) they spoke.  When the time was right, I asked her if I could share a few minutes of a story in her language.  She was able to watch a few minutes of a clip from the Jesus Film, and she was fixated on the screen of my cell phone while it played.  New patrons arrived a few minutes later, so our interaction ended abruptly. 

She did ask for the name of the app before I left, and I’m hopeful she downloaded it.  I plan to return in a few days and hope to develop a relationship with this woman for more sharing of the gospel…both by my own experience with Jesus and through apps like the Jesus Film and


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