Making Changes Post-Pandemic

SIL’s Jon Hirst published an article last month: 5 Trends Impacting Global Mission.

We encourage you to read it and learn how the principles he compiled about post-pandemic ministry may apply to your area of ministry.

Here are five statements from Hirst’s research especially worth considering:

  • “The greatest risk for those committed to bringing in the Kingdom would be to try to return to pre-pandemic narratives for the worldʼs great challenges.”
  • “It will be critical to build intergenerational engagement to welcome new generations [of overseas workers] while benefiting from the deep experience of those nearing retirement or working remotely from their sending country.”
  • “The 2022 Global Culture Report highlighted that 45% of workers connected with fewer people in the last 12 months. In another survey, 88% of respondents described how their definition of success was changing because of the pandemic.”
  • “Your church is still around. The church is still around. Itʼs just left the building. In the post-pandemic church, itʼs possible that the majority of attendees as well as your most engaged people may not be in the room.” ~Carey Nieuwhof, author
  • “…missions efforts need to lean into the new ways of connecting that have been championed during the pandemic while recognizing their limitations. Two of the areas most impacted will be church planting and discipleship.”

We invite you to comment below, so our community can learn how you can see ministry is going to be different post-pandemic.


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