On January 12, 2017, the Visual Story Network hosted an online meeting to share best practices and resources for mission organizations trying to find a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. The 33 participants shared the frustration of trying to find the right app to manage contacts easily and at an affordable price.
As much as possible, we want to facilitate the sharing of ideas and best practices. To that end, we offer the following downloads.
– notes from the collaborative Google doc.
– Chris Wynn’s research on 127 that won’t work and the 9 that will.
– Bruce Brandon Is willing to offer a demo to anyone interested in inexpensive on-premise hosting using FileMaker server software on his server. FileMaker has a built-in publisher called Web Direct and users can access it in a browser on a phone, tablet, or laptop/desktop without the FileMaker software installed.
– here is the recorded session…