Using MicroSD Cards in India

“I’ve been having a great time here giving out the JESUS film on microSD cards. So much fun watching people light up when I give them a 2GB microSD card loaded with media in their heart language.  The following stories are some of my experiences. Once, I was out in kind of a touristy crafts … Read more

Paying the Ultimate Price

“Anna” (pseudonym) grew up a Muslim in a Muslim household in a Muslim country.  Anna was introduced to Jesus and fell in love with Him as a young woman.  Jesus became her joy and her life.  Anna was so taken with Jesus and His love that she wanted to share Him with all her friends … Read more

No Electricity? No Problem for Mobile Ministry!

“Steve, you are correct that in our villages there is no electricity, no cell coverage, and no internet, but I loved your story and the new idea, because everyone in our area has a smartphone.” She went on to explain that hidden under the long, flowing robes common in her area, people carry around with … Read more

Finding Jesus Through a Phone

Heather is a poor widow who lived her entire life in the desert in a tent but has recently been given a small house by the government. Heather has settled into this house and is learning to cope but she misses her life in the tent. She has become a good friend and last month … Read more

Africa – Wide Open for the Gospel

BibleTransmission has been surprised over and over with the great responses from the African nations for the Gospel on mobile. The responses to ad campaigns in the central and northern regions have proved that Africa is ripe for hearing the Gospel today more than any other continent. One might think that the poorer nations would … Read more

A Stop at the Shop

“Quick,” said “Mary” (pseudonym), on our way to the prayer meeting, “I must buy some  phone credit.”  So we stopped, somewhere I’d never stopped before.  As she chatted to the guy to buy the credit I took a look to see what else they had in the shop.  They were transferring videos from one phone … Read more

African Nomad Mobile Ministry

Was out the other week in a camp… In the evening the men were gathered on a mat with us. There were different conversations going on.  One of the young men started playing about with his “ring tones”…. so I thought I would pull my phone out and see what he thought of the poetry. … Read more


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