Scripture Earth

If your neighbor asked you where he could find Scripture in the Kamano-Kafe language of Papua New Guinea, what would you tell him?

We’d like to give you a hint: Point him to This website has Scriptures in over 2,300 languages – in text, audio, and/or video. It points you to other resources in that language, like Bible Apps, Bible study software, print-on-demand, outreach videos, and links to other organizations offering materials. The interface is uncluttered and easy to use.

If you have content that you have created and want to make it available, ScriptureEarth can provide web-access for it. Contact Bill Dyck to share your resources:

Do you have a website and want the speakers of your language to find it?  ScriptureEarth can provide a high profile link from our site to yours.

Do you have Scripture text and want someone to help distribute it in mobile apps? ScriptureEarth can help distribute your products.

Interested? Consider adding your resources to others in more than 2300 languages upon ScriptureEarth. Chances are, they already have a page dedicated to sharing resources for your language on their website.


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